팝업레이어 알림

팝업레이어 알림이 없습니다.

Investment information
Date:2024-03-21 (Thur), 10:00
Place: Head office meeting room, Greentech-ro 23 Yeonggwang-eup Yeonggwang-gun, Jeonnam
  • Main contents of agenda and result of the meeting

Unit: 1 million won

Agenda to be discussed Result Agreement rate
Agenda No. 1 Approval of the 26th financial statements Approval rate of original agenda 97.7%
Agenda No. 2-1 Change in face value (change in articles of incorporation) Approval rate of original agenda 96.3%
Agenda No. 2-2 Change in the company name (change in articles of incorporation) Approval rate of original agenda 97.6%
Agenda No. 2-3 Addition of business purpose (change in articles of incorporation) Approval rate of original agenda 97.5%
Agenda No. 3-1 Appointment of internal director, Koo Jeong-seon Approval rate of original agenda 93.0%
Agenda No. 4 Approval of retirement benefits of executive officers Approval rate of original agenda 91.4%
Agenda No. 5 Approval of limited remuneration of directors Approval rate of original agenda 77.1%
Agenda No. 6 Approval of limited remuneration of auditors Approval rate of original agenda 77.1%
  • Voting right exercise status
Number of total stocks issued Number of stocks with voting right Number of stocks that exercised the voting right The largest stockholder Other stockholders Voting right exercising rate Voting right exercising rate excluding the largest stockholder
186,015,332 186,011,625 69,240,630 20,776,742 48,463,888 37.22% 26.02%